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Kinecta Federal Credit Union
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Certified Companies

"The value of this recognition has been instrumental in our recruiting efforts, retention, and credibility with our customers and partners."

World Wide Technology Logo

"The Trust Index benchmarking data has been invaluable to us. This helps us show where we are leading, where we are competitive, and where we are falling behind, and informs our strategies for driving improvements."

Salesforce Logo

"Participating in the Great Place To Work recognition program delivers positive brand recognition worldwide. It provides a competitive advantage for us and drives our credibility with customers, suppliers, investors and shareholders."

Stryker Logo

“Innovation By All” is Great Place To Work’s definition of the way organizations today must approach invention and agility. Put simply, it means everybody creates, is connected, and contributes.


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Best Workplaces for Millennials are organizations that excel at developing and retaining tomorrow’s leaders.


2018 millennial key findings report

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